Help End Human Trafficking in Canada.

Less than a kilometre from where you are right now, someone is being trafficked. But together, we can end human trafficking in Canada.
Donate Today

Every dollar makes a difference as we work together to end human trafficking.

Join The Joy In Giving community of monthly donors, a dedicated group of remarkable people who are passionate about supporting our education, prevention and intervention programs that will end human trafficking in Canada.

Help Stop Human Trafficking

A monthly donation provides the Joy Smith Foundation with a consistent and reliable source of funding - letting us implement the long-term prevention and intervention programs that WILL see our mission of ending human trafficking in Canada come to reality.
Donate Today
a month for a year
Your gift will support the Foundation’s daily frontline work. This gift will go right into action supporting such activities as the daily requests to meet with parents of at-risk youth, working directly with police officers to gain justice for victims, and our advocacy efforts to end human trafficking in Canada.
a month for a year
Shine a spotlight on the risk of human trafficking in Canada. This gift covers the costs associated with the Foundation delivering a school presentation.
a month for a year
Enables the Foundation to connect a trafficked survivor to the personalized care and support they need to heal and rebuild their lives.
a month for a year
An enduring gift that will fund the creation and the on-going availability of one online course on the National Human Trafficking Education Centre website.

You Can Help

Joy In Giving is an incredible community of generous, passionate and determined people. 
You’re going to fit right in.
janet campbell

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Your support is more important than ever as we begin the next chapter in our journey to provide educational resources to youth, parents, first responders, educators, community leaders and those working in the justice system through the National Human Trafficking Education Centre.

With your financial support, we can expand our intervention programs to support survivors and their families. Your donation directly empowers each survivor to get the necessary resources and tools they need to heal and rebuild their lives.

Get email updates from the field every month

As a member of the Joy In Giving community, you will see the impact of your generous monthly donation with exclusive updates from the field every month. Keeping you up to date on our frontline efforts to end human trafficking here in Canada.